Sunshine: Friend or Foe

Have you ever walked into a water park and noticed the smell of sunscreen? It might get you thinking… what’s more dangerous: the sun itself, or the stuff in our sunscreen? 

We don’t want our kiddos to get sunburned, but we also maybe don’t want to cover them up in sunscreen either. But why?

Well, thanks to more and more research, we know just how many BENEFITS the sun actually has! Let’s talk about a few:

  • Time spent in the sun regulates our circadian rhythm, positively impacting every bodily system. 

  • Just 15-30 minutes of daily sun can boost our mood, detoxify our body, strengthen our heart, and give us vitamin D and antioxidants to help us fight illness.

  • Not to mention, sunlight promotes better sleep, lower blood pressure, and improved skin conditions.

But maybe you’re thinking: ‘My family has such fair complexions – we can’t afford to be out in the sun.’ Or “I’m afraid of skin cancer.” Don’t worry – you can reap the benefits of the sun as well! Because skin cancer and damage is linked to sunburn, not sun exposure, the key is to avoid the burn, but still enjoy the rays

Here are a few easy TIPS for your time in the sun:

  • Time of Day: If you have fair skin, aim to enjoy the sun during morning and evening hours when the sun is not at its peak. 

  • Base Tan: As you establish your base tan through healthy sun exposure, you'll build up a tolerance, allowing you to spend more time outside without risk of burn. Let your skin enjoy the sun, whether out on a walk, at the pool, or running around at sports practice; then when you see your skin start to get pink, find shade or cover-up. 

  • Faces: Our faces generally receive the most sun exposure, especially those adorable high-cheekbones our kiddos are so blessed with – keeping faces primed with a toxic-free sunscreen is a smart choice.  

  • Breaks & Water: If you’re going to be out at the beach or pool in the middle of the day for an extended period of time, take breaks from the sun, seek shade, and drink lots of water. Pack up some healthy, whole foods for the fam —what we put into our bodies matters. Fresh fruit, veggies and proteins are the best, and who doesn’t love some fresh watermelon on a hot, sunny day! 

But yes, at times we do need sunscreen and thank heavens for cleaner, non-toxic options for us when we do. 

Here are a few things to consider when shopping for a SUNSCREEN:

  • Always read the ingredient list to be sure you are making a smart choice for your family. 

  • There are two types of sunscreen: chemical and mineral. Try to avoid sunscreens made with harmful chemicals like Oxybenzone, Octinoxate Homosalate, Octisalate, and Octocrylene

  • Mineral sunscreens are often a safer choice because they usually use either zinc oxide or titanium oxide to form a barrier to block UV rays. 

  • In general, aerosol-spray sunscreens contain more chemicals than lotion or stick sunscreens. 

  • Aim for SPF 30-SPF 50. Anything above SPF 50 does not mean higher protection than 50, so stick with something between 30-50 SPF. 

  • My top five favorite picks for safer sunscreen include: Earth Mama, Beauty Counter, Thinkbaby, Hellobello and Tubby Todd.

Looking at the sun with a new “light” is something your body, mind, and overall health will surely thank you for – because with a life of moderation, you truly can enjoy the healing, tremendous benefits of good ole’ sunshine!

You got this!


